Learning the Bicycle
This was an old bit of writing dated: April 21, 2010. Fast forward to today, I decided to include into this blog, as it is a piece of myself. And yes, in terms of memory lane, I went as far back as my childhood life in the Philippines. This was before 1986. Learning the Bicycle Here is a story of how I learned to ride a bike, and the pattern it had set me for life. Yet, only recently, I had realized this pattern. My parents were buying a bicycle for my sister. As for me, I was outright refusing a bicycle. Yet, regrettably, it was I, not my sister, who ened up riding that bike more often. Or at least, it appeared that way in my memory. With the training wheels on, I rode it where ever I could. Eventually, one or both of the training wheels would break. If only one broke, then I still would ride it. In the case of both, then I'd wait (or ask) for them to be replaced. One day, my neighbor decided to help me. Wh...