Despirited but Eventful August

 I keep chugging on but slowly.  This month of August has me rather despirited.  A lot has gone on in the Western online mahjong world, as well as Japan per usual.  To name a few:

On a personal level, I cannot help but be despirited.  The month of August this year is heading towards its quick close, as with every August.  Yet I hang on; and I'll keep going.  September comes; and we head into Autumn and later Winter.  I hope everyone is dealing with the current Covid pandemic well.

Here is a short summary to each event:

Cross Cup.  This was an event backed by the Kizuna Project.  If there is one thing the Kizuna Project is good at, they are able to bring in activity from Japan, notably their connection to Saikouisen and other organizations.  So, they were able to set up a Tenhou based qualifier, where players play for a best consecutive 3-hanchan score.  Then the qualified move on to be drafted by one of four pros into a team.  I did not qualify for a team, but my score was good enough to earn me free Tenhou premium for the month.

AnimEVO.  At the time, the name EVO was a big name.  Unfortunate circumstances managed to sully that name and EVO itself was cancled.  Regardless, I immediately jumped to the opportunity to help out with this tournament well before the scandal; and AnimEVO itself is not actually officially attached to EVO.  So AnimEVO was able to continue.  Riichi mahjong needed a big name event, and "Evo" was an opportunity.  Therefore, I wanted to be involved to make it a success.  The tournament was a big success; and everyone involved can walk away happy.

NAGA. had bots playing in the tokujou lobby; and NAGA is one of them.  A big week long event was held featuring NAGA's game analysis.  For the event, I played 46 games and played two pros in three games.  I played NAGA itself in three games.  I collected my games via the NAGA game collection and will be going over them.  This event was fascinating, as there was never a mahjong game analysis bot available to the public before.  My earned Tenhou premium gave me the privilege to enjoy this event, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

World Riichi Festival.  After AnimEVO, I actually wanted to participate in a tournament.  However, I could not get myself to do it.  So, I sat out this event.  It was nice seeing others enjoy it though.

However, what is bringing me down?  Sadly to say, this is a question to be answered privately; and I know what it is.  Like I said though, I keep going.  I have good people around me.  The way will be found.

Sorry to be a downer.  Everyone stay safe.


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