Good Bye Tiger
Of my three cats, Tiger ended up as my last one. Just over night between 3 AM and 6 AM local time, he passed away at home. My plan was to hope for him to last long enough for veterinary assistance, which opens up at 8 PM. However, he did not make it. Instead, I had brought his dead body to the veterinary clinic for cremation.
In the days and hours prior to his death, I had decisions to make. They were all wrong in terms of keeping him alive. Via Google, the search term "signs cat is dying" produced a list. His condition fit all the descriptors. He was dying. The only thing I did not know was when. From here on, everything is hindsight which is 20/20 vision.
In terms of happenstance, this was how it was meant to be. He died on a carpeted floor all by himself at home, where he wanted to be.
In light of everything, I express my satisfaction in having spent my life with all my cats for so many years. Their memories will be cherished.
Here are all my cats: Maki, Kai, and Tiger. They are together again in the after life. Maki was scheduled to be euthanized a couple hours after this photo. I look forward to seeing them again someday.
Hi Kyuu! I randomly found your blog while searching for what the Gold Paw Mark meant on MajSoul, and found this post. I'm sorry for your loss and I hope you're doing well after all this time. Take good care of yourself.