Leaving Mahjong in General
No, I am not ending my mahjong life any time soon . Instead, I ask a question with a very obvious answer: Can people leave mahjong? In other words, can people stop playing and completely disassociate with everything mahjong related? The natural and obvious answer: Of course! An end is inevitable for each and every one of us. The method of end will very though. The contrary would violate the freedom noted in "my" Prime Directive . No one should ever be forced to play; and by extension, no one should be forced to associate with an activity and its people. So, this idea extends to all other activity. I am very much in support of volunteerism. Have I seen people leave? Yes, of course. People come and go in all activity, and mahjong is no different. It is the natural order. Some departures feel sadder than others. I know some who have quit and sold their sets. It was a sad sig...