Tenhou Tuesday (2018)
The following is text posted in Chicago Area Mahjong's blog just about a year ago. As the title notes, it's about Tenhou Tuesday. Any current edit is noted in parentheses: This has been an interesting development since the month of May. (2018) Every week since, a number of us across the country regularly play in the 7863 lobby of Tenhou.net. This regular session of online mahjong has been branded as Tenhou Tuesday . It took a life of its own, as we established a Discord channel where we normally converse via voice chat. In a sense, we are simulating the casual club play environment; and this environment provided players another opportunity to become mahjong friends. Personally, my first game was May 9; and I have been consistence in my weekly attendance. Needless to say, my involvement with mahjong has been overstretched. Yet, I keep coming for more. (Three of my club members) have joined some sessions as well. It was nice to see club members here participating too. ...